There is so much wrong with this, where to start?

1. Rubio is not a natural born citizen = he is ineligible for VP for the very same reason Hussein Obama is ineligible for POTUS. The GOP in office ignore this about Hussein Obama so no surprise they ignore this about Rubio…..but “We the People” …….. when do we demand a full adherence to the U.S. Constitution – Article 2.? Are we serious about wanting our country restored or are we too just playing the game of destroying our country, liberty and constitution?

2. Are we also gonna get into pandering to/in the race game now? I’m so tired of elected officials playing up to a race group, or a gender group, or any “special” group. There are no special groups, and the government of this country in state and fed. are the ones keeping this race and racism crap alive. Why don’t they do the right thing which will help all CITIZENS of this country? Why would we even think of voting for anyone pandering to a race?

3. Is there anything wrong with men from other countries that joined with our military and fight along side our men and women in wars? Should they be given citizenship in the U.S. after they have gone to war for us and survived and came back? I don’t know the answer to this, I know what I emotionally feel in my heart for these men, but should I think with my emotions/feelings or with my mind? They have already given much for this country – a whole lot more than some of the leaches that come here and want nothing more than to drain our country of the wealth it once had.

Questions to ask ourselves, What is the right thing to do?  When do stand up and do the right thing by not voting for these “race” panderers? When do we hold Gov. accountable for the problems they have caused in this country by race baiting?




marco-rubio-hearing.jpg?width=180Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s push for a Republican version of immigration legislation looks like the answer to the election year prayers of the GOP — and Mitt Romney.

Rubio — telegenic son of Cuban exiles and potential vice presidential pick — is pulling together a bill that would allow young illegal immigrants to remain in the United States but denies them citizenship, an initial step in the drawn-out, divisive fight over immigration policy and the fate of the 11 million people here illegally.

The freshman senator calls his evolving legislation a conservative alternative to the DREAM Act — the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors measure. That Democratic-backed bill, which is overwhelmingly popular with Hispanics, would provide a pathway to citizenship to children in the United States illegally if they attend college or join the military. The measure came close to passage in December 2010 but has languished since then.

“We have to come up with an immigration system that honors both our legacy as a nation of laws and also our legacy as a nation of immigrants,” Rubio told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

An immigration plan from Rubio, the GOP’s best-known Hispanic, could help Republicans make some headway with the fastest growing minority group and its 21 million eligible voters, many concentrated in the contested presidential battleground states of Florida, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado.

Democrats maintain a significant political advantage with Hispanics, numbers that were only strengthened by the harsh rhetoric from Republican presidential candidates in this year’s primary. Hispanics overwhelmingly backed Barack Obama over Republican presidential nominee John McCain, 67-31 percent, in the 2008 presidential race and they favored Democratic congressional candidates 60-38 percent in 2010, according to exit polling. This year, opinion surveys show Obama and Democrats with a solid edge over Romney and the GOP among Hispanic voters.

Read the rest here.

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  • If he wants to let them live here WITHOUT ANY PUBLIC ie TAXPAYER BENEFITS, OK, NO CITIZENSHIP.  RUBIO IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN AND CANNOT BE PRESIDENT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO THE PRESIDENT, SO HE IS NOT A CHOICE IN MY MIND!  I would like to see Col. Allen West as president or vice president!  Has anyone noticed that Romney is already flip flopping on Illegals?  He is Hussain light and I don't trust him!  Now Ted Nugent said that he has talked with Romney and he believes that Romney is now (one of us).  I'm just not that easy to convince.  However, anyone is better than Hussain as long as their not a democrat!

  • rubio is INELIGIBLE....his goal was this dream act that WE defeated 5 times already!!!!  He is a RINO Progressive who was a known theif of the people's tax dollars, and, still, the RINO's went in BLIND lockstep with this UNAMERICAN fool!!!

    He needs to go!!!!


  • sheesh...this drives me nuts../..romney is INELIGIBLE!!!!

  • All anyone is looking for out there are politicians that hold the same values as they themselves have. The problem is finding one that actually does and meets all the requirements to hold the office they seek. Why not Allen West? He, in my opinion, should have run for President, maybe just wishful thinking. The problem remains that all we are offered any longer are leaning moderates and more left marxist/communists/socialists.

  • Thanks.

  • I never trusted Rubio from the first! He is one of them, one of the enemy,  He is for the invaders from the south of the border! He is a plant in our government for them to get a stronger foothold in this country...He as ovomit is not eligible for anything, He was not born here!...Who keeps voting these imposters in???

  • and thats a fact Jager, I agree 100%

    Christine UlfertsCol. Allen West is not any good either, check this out please>>> He is include in voting against us We The People

    Jager's Discussions
    Jager's Discussions | This effort is focused on sacrifice to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and…
  • Mitt Romney's parents were both US citizens.   This is no different than John McCain being born in Panama.  His parents were also US citizens.  Obama is not eligible because his father never was a US citizen.  Rubio isn't eligible because his parents became citizens after Rubio was born.  The Romneys never gave up their US citizenship and all their children, even though born in Mexico, are/were US citizens.  They may also be eligible to hold dual citizenship if born in Mexico.  Don't forget that Romney's father ran for US president years ago.

  • When your heritage remains more important than your American nationality, you will continue to cater to that influence. Mark Rubio is a first generation born American, born to Cuban immigrants. On paper, in appearance and in language, he looks and sounds like an American, but to his core his natural influence leans more toward his heritage and that is to be expected.

    But due to that influence, I couldn’t support him. I saw this very early on, when the new Republican hopefuls were appearing, Mark Rubio being most recent. Becoming an American doesn’t happen over night, nor does it fully occur in one generation.

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