National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley (in tan jacket) leads a protest earlier this month. About 250 Federal workers massed in Federal Plaza in Manhattan May 7 to protest the sequester cuts. (The Chief)

This explains things…
President Obama met with anti-Tea Party IRS union chief Colleen Kelly in the White House the day before the agency targeted Tea Party.
The Spectator reported:

“For me, it’s about collaboration.” — National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley on the relationship between the anti-Tea Party IRS union and the Obama White House
Is President Obama directly implicated in the IRS scandal?

Is the White House Visitors Log the trail to the smoking gun?

The stunning questions are raised by the following set of new facts.

March 31, 2010.

According to the White House Visitors Log, provided here in searchable form by U.S. News and World Report, the president of the anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union, Colleen Kelley, visited the White House at 12:30pm that Wednesday noon time of March 31st.

The White House lists the IRS union leader’s visit this way:

Kelley, Colleen Potus 03/31/2010 12:30
In White House language, “POTUS” stands for “President of the United States.”

The very next day after her White House meeting with the President, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees — the same employees who belong to the NTEU — set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America.

In short: the very day after the president of the quite publicly anti-Tea Party labor union — the union for IRS employees — met with President Obama, the manager of the IRS “Determinations Unit Program agreed” to open a “Sensitive Case report on the Tea party cases.” As stated by the IG report.

So, once again, why do federal Treasury Department employees need a union?

UPDATE: The White House Visitor’s List includes 19 visits to the White House by Colleen Kelley – though not all of these visits were by the NTEU union chief.

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  • No government employee should be in a union.

  • I agree about the Republican Party making a HUGE issue of this-- but will they?  It seems as though they are in freeze frame mode in everything involved with this "who knows who he is" fake president."  Maybe they will ruffle a few feathers--but if they fly out of their comfort zone cages, I will be shocked.

  • Individuals, not just groups, who did not join in on the goose step dance were targeted.

    Here's one (her group is non partisan, attempts to clean up voter rolls and provide poll training).

    This is a way to shut up people who do not goose step and dry up contributions (scare donors) for conservative groups.

    In part article states:

    Her group does not advocate for particular parties or candidates but just for fair elections at all levels. The group obviously is a huge threat to Barack Obama and Democrats. Engelbrecht reminded Governor Huckabee that in the last 18 months voter fraud cases have been prosecuted in 36 states.

    Engelbrecht and her organization were harassed by the Obama IRS for months. The Obama IRS wanted to know Facebook posts, tweets and where Catherine intended to speak. That was just one round. Engelbrecht said she was also harassed by the FBI, OSHA and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) who checked her gun safe.

  • What more is required for one to be charged with "anti-constitutional activities?  Why is not Congress livid with anger over the way the present Executive's of the United States Government is being conducted? Just who is living up to their "Oath of Office" these days? There is every appearance that our executives are following the path of Lenin and Stalin.  Have our Congressmen - both houses - adopted in their hearts the United Nation's Treaty as the supreme law of the land?  Is that why they are sitting on their hands and grinning like a possum while the nation is crashing? I am tired to death of "talking points" and "Narratives."   Tact, narratives, and talking points are used by people who hesitate to tell the truth.  We should look narrowly at those who hesitate to tell the truth, and prosecute those who twist and distort with narratives and talking points which translate into lies.  And someone ought to be in jail over Benghazi. 

  • Sen Dems Must Return $570K+ in Campaign Contrib from IRS Union WTH? WE CONSERVATIVES DON'T HAVE A CHANCE


    Senate Democrats Must Return Over $570,000 in Campaign Contributions from IRS Union
  • Do not expect any changes, unless Obama and all his honchos are seriously charged by courts. In the minimum the impeachment process for treason should have been started long time ago.So you may ask- what for are members of Senate and Congress elected? It is privileged class, nothing to do to represent the wish of coolies under and with the perks you can not even dream of. Their main goal is to preserve their own status. They will do anything for that. Their motto is:"Do not put out the fire which is not burning you." Eric Holder should have been prosecuted for fast and Furious and many other cases. But too many brown nosing senators and congressmen in the running the country.How many are elected? And how many are really representing wish of "We the People"?  You could count them on your fingers.

  • We have problems because the TP does not come together with basic tenets. They are started by individuals with a specific goal and will not coalesce as our founding fathers did because of egos. Many work to fight queers, abortion and other individual causes. They are all good and need to be addressed, BUT cannot be done unless all TPs come together to defeat the enemy. That takes determination, persistence, lot of time, getting involved locally, donations with one goal to defeat the enemy by going on the offense. Stop playing defense because eventually the enemy will replay the tape and figure out your defense. It is time to coalesce into 50 TP groups (one per state) still have individual TP goals, but the state TP would represent all the TP in their particular state at the national TP. Organize like the Republicans and damocraps. This is NOT to start a TP political party. It is to get the Constitutional conservatives elected and to pressure them to maintain their promises. We must do this now. I am starting in my state to contact TP people and others that I know that have the goal to defeat obozo and his band of thieves and thugs. Will post later.

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