This is a long but very necessary read. When I was in DC in 2010, my first cab driver was a Coptic Christian that was also in fear for his family still in Egypt. He told me things that were being orchestrated there - he knew what was coming. What he told my niece and I was exactly what we all watched as Hillary, Huma and Obama purposely stirred the Muslim Brotherhood Spring! She never paid attention to what was going on overseas.....until now.....she called me and wanted to talk about our cab driver the Coptic Christian and how he was right. 






[Editor's note: The article below is written by Eric Allen Bell, a filmmaker who was recently banned from blogging at  the “Daily Kos” because he wrote three articles that ran afoul of the mindset there, specifically naming “” as a “terrorist spin control network.” Frontpage invited him to tell his story, which he does below.]

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  • Thanks for posting Twana, and here is a link to "Islam - What The West Needs To Know" the full length documentary,

  •  I have friends who live in Murfreesboro  who say they can't get out of there fast enough.  

    I have Pakistani Muslim neighbors and I stay clear of them except to speak as I know exactly what kind of people I am dealing with.  I don't trust any Muslim.

    Thanks for this read, as it is very interesting.

  • I too grew up in So Cal, (late 50 to mid 70s)  I can't say I am a liberal, only in some areas do I consider myself slanted liberal.  I am retired military, work hard, believe in America, Love my Country, Believe in religion in my own way, and have lived and travelled all around our world.  Bell we have a few things in common, and what you stated here...


    "Where do I stand on Islam?  Let’s look at its founder – a man who raped a 9 year old girl, a slave owner, a leader who ordered people to be tortured, for adulterers to be stoned, for countless nonbelievers to be beheaded, a killer, a warmonger who spread his “religion of peace” by the sword, a man who suffered from hallucinations of voices telling him to do violent things, a tyrant, a homicidal maniac"  "And this sadistic lunatic is considered to be the “ideal man” in Islam"


    I don't know how many times I have said and thought these same words.  I was told Ataturk (founder of modern Turkey) once said communism is like a cockroach, if you see one, step on it and smash it, otherwise it will spread, Islam too.  I do not know if that statement is true... it was told to me in 1986 when I lived in Ankara, by a devout Muslim… with the exception of his and drinking, smoking and chase’ in skirt.  The same individual also told me Islam is a dangerous fanatical religion started by ignorant nomadic criminals and thieves... when it was started and it still is now.  Having lived in Muslim lands and being married to a Muslim I can say, Fanatical Islam is a VERY bad thing.  The more modern Muslims are Muslim by birth and the majority are not religious... they are able to read and understand without having to be force fed brainwashing by Fanatical Islamist Wahabi, Fanatical Islamist Sunni, Fanatical Islamist Shiite and all the other offshoots.  But they are a slow growing side and there is little hope they will change the aggressive path Islam leans towards.  The Fanatical Islamist are what some call a small minority of, say 1.5 billion people... so 1,500,000 what is that 1% and some people place it closer to 10%... so 150,000,000 Million - Fanatical Islamist who really want to reap havoc.  Back to what Ataturk said.


    Great read.


    Hey T all going well, I hope. the ones who can read and are not under a fanatical Islamist are reading and understanding what type of religion Islam is; in some countries in the ME and SEA they have no chose but state run religious Islamist indoctrination... no chance for the majority of these kids.


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