I've been told a large majority of the protesters are Canadians. If that is true, what the heck are they doing here protesting against our system?












And who is this person claiming the Marines are coming ....... ? Hang on....Ima Iggymom found the info on him last night and is searching for it again.







Who is Ward Reilly? The one saying the USArmy and Marines are headed to NY to protect the protesters?
VFP “Lawyer” Is Fake Vietnam Combat Vet


And over at This Aint Hell they enlighten us as to who this kokesh type man is.

Ward Reilly the VVAW Ranger



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  • Bring it on Jones you back biting pusilanimous pissant commie clown....pardon my language but anytime they give credence to anything this clown or anyone of Obama's cronies, I get really really angry...and I now need to calm down because my doctor says I do not need this kind of stress......
  • It would be nice to know if there is any validity or confirmation to this stuff about the military getting involved.
    • If you read the link above, you will see that the only marines "coming" are the friends of this fake Vietnam Vet. About 15 he said.
  • Reilly is a liar and it has been proven.  So who are the "marines" that are going with him to New York?  Are they really marines or just wannabes?  Do they not know he is a fraud or do they just not care?  Fema has ordered 700 thousand survival meals this month.  What is planned to stop the elections or murder off citizens by the govt. or instigated by the govt.?
  • i heard that some of the protestors are ron paul supporters....


  • Behead the rich? Re-education camps??? http://trevorloudon.com/2011/10/roseanne-barr-behead-bankers-rich-w...


    There is video at http://trevorloudon.com/2011/10/occupy-wall-street-protests-spread-... for the following articles:

    Read more at The Telegraph…

    Days of Rage, Hours of Opportunism

    Dozens arrested after foreclosure protesters target Bank of America

    Economic protesters take to the streets in L.A.

    Activists continue to ‘Occupy Chicago’

    Read more at 9news.com…

    Read more at q13fox.com…

    More than 700 arrested in Wall Street protest


    A must read, a little long but very important connections:

    ‘Suspended Election Revolution’ by Barry & the Obamunists; Does...

    Remember the NC Gov. "we should suspend the elections"? 

    What a coincidence! Gov. Perdue, it is time to recall, is one of ten appointed by Barack Obama to serve on a very NWO-ish sounding Council of State Governors, arrayed around the country, purposed to handle responses militaristic and otherwise, to national emergencies.

    That might seem to be just the kind of council (and remember the Russian word for governing council is “soviet”) that would deal with the suspension of our Constitutional governance and the imposition of something instead which would lay in a spectrum between that and dictatorial, martial law.

    At the White House announcement of the Executive Order creating that extraconstitutional council, on February 4, 2010,


  • You got it. Remember the missing trillion or so???
  • I hope you all realize that the protesters are led by communists and socialist unionists. All you military folks fought communism, now if you support these protesters you are being useful idiots for the communist cause in America.  Enjoy




    • Ron, I didn't notice anyone supporting these protestors? What am I missing here?
    • If I can find it again, I'll add the link showing SEIU and other unions 'in support' roles for the protests. They said the protesters needed a "push" (read nudge via Cass Sunstein) because they "were being too passive" and were being ignored...

      NY Transit Union: The executive board of the New York City’s Local 100 Transit Workers’ Union (TWU) has endorsed Occupy Wall Street. The decision means they will be holding a “coordinating meeting,” according to Lisa Sabater of The Daily Gotham, with community and labor organization to decide how to “come together and better support the Occupy Wall Street campaign.” http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2011/09/29/live-blog-of-occupywall...


      From the comments:

      Why is TWU getting involved in Occupy Wall Street? TWU Local 100′s spokesman Jim Gannon explains:

      The protesters, it’s pretty courageous what they’re doing…and it’s brought a new public focus in a different way to what we’ve been saying along. While Wall Street and the banks and the corporations are the ones that caused the mess that’s flowed down into the states and cities, it seems there’s no shared sacrifice. It’s the workers having to sacrifice while the wealthy get away scot-free. It’s kind of a natural alliance with the young people and the students — they’re voicing our message, why not join them? On many levels, our workers feel an affinity with the kids. They just seem to be hanging out there getting the crap beaten out of them, and maybe union support will help them out a little bit.

      But here’s the best part about TWU joining. Village Voice reports:

      Marvin Holland, TWU 100′s political director, told us that individual union members have been supporting the movement and down at Zuccotti Park since day one, and that this was “a natural fit for us.” He’ll be meeting with some of the protesters tomorrow to talk about what kind of support they need. Will this help OWS focus their still rather undefined goals? “I don’t think it’s our job to tell them what their demands should be,” he said.

      Here’s a good union that respects what Occupy Wall Street participants have built and they aren’t about to try and change it. TWU is the kind of union that should be involved.

      More on unions and community groups in New York getting involved from Crain’s New York:

      A loose coalition of labor and community groups said Thursday that they would join the protest next week. They are organizing a solidarity march scheduled for Wednesday [October 5] that is expected to start at City Hall and finish a few blocks south at Zuccotti Park…

      …Some of the biggest players in organized labor are actively involved in planning for Wednesday’s demonstration, either directly or through coalitions that they are a part of. The United Federation of Teachers, 32BJ SEIU, 1199 SEIU, Workers United and Transport Workers Union Local 100 are all expected to participate. The Working Families Party is helping to organize the protest and MoveOn.org is expected to mobilize its extensive online regional networks to drum up support for the effort...


      Rrom a Days of Rage forum:  (Postal Workers, Unionized Pilots protesting) http://www.thebellforum.com/showthread.php?t=59218&p=392061


      If you research just a little, you can find all you need to expose this fraud...

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