Obama Lawyers In A Panic..........

CDR Kerchner (Ret)'s Blog

April 18, 2012


Obama Lawyers Want the Video of the NJ Obama Ballot Access Challenge Public Hearing Pulled and Suppressed

Click on image to learn more about Obama's naked fraud as to his true legal identity. "The Emperor Has No Clothes", i.e., no conclusively proven true legal identity papers. He is conning the whole world.

Obama Lawyers Want the Video of the NJ Obama Ballot Access Challenge Public Hearing Pulled and Suppressed

I heard this morning that the Obama lawyers are trying to suppress the videos of the NJ Obama Ballot Access Challenge public hearing.  I just spoke with Attorney Mario Apuzzo and he confirmed that Obama’s lawyers have called him and told him they are planning to take legal action to get the videos of the NJ Ballot Access Challenge Public Hearing pulled and suppressed. What is the Obama side ashamed of and doesn’t want the world to see.  Could it be that their Obama “emperor has no clothing on”, i.e., has no known conclusively proven true legal identity clothing/papers to show the world which Attorney Mario Apuzzo forced them to admit to and stipulate to in the NJ public hearing?  Obama’s side obviously does not want people to see this video. Watch it yourself at the below links and learn why. The Obama side even wants to allow Mickey Mouse to run for President. To Obama and his lawyers the U.S. Constitution and presidential eligibility clause in Article II is a joke.  You can see that in Part II at about 40 minutes into that segment.  It was interesting that Obama’s lawyer chose and mentioned Mickey Mouse running for President and making a mockery of the election process in her statements in the hearing as Mickey Mouse was a contributor to Obama’s campaign in 2008 as part of the untraceable debit and credit card contributions that Obama accepted online, a good chunk of it alleged to have been illegally provided to Obama operatives from foreign sources.

Full Video of the NJ Obama Ballot Access Challenge Public Hearing. Obama’s attorney did not wish the proceedings video taped.  It has been learned from sources who recorded these videos with the court’s permission under NJ law that Obama’s lawyer did not want the hearing video taped and she tried before the start of the public hearing to get the cameras removed. However under NJ state law, video taping of public hearings is permitted.  Now the Obama legal team wants to suppress these videos.   See this channel link for the videos of this public hearing and/or via the other embedded links below:  https://www.youtube.com/haggz51



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  • There is nothing legal about Obama...The courts have to prove it and now.....

  • I am the architect of the strategy to go after the ballot challenges. The Tennessee federal court has said my case is a substantive Constitutional issue that must be addressed and that i have the standing to do it. This means i can challenge everyone's eligibility because i am a candidate for the GOP for POTUS. I filed the first case in December of 2011 in Arizona and Tennessee. With NJ and now Alabama the eligibility issue will be heard. You can read more at http://www.libertylegalfoundation.org or at my campaign site http://www.johndummett.us

    Remember, Taitz, Appuzo and anyone else who has made a ballot challenge got the idea from me. The reason why the court is going to hear my case is i am not going after Obama and i have Standing. I am asking the court to vet everyone before being placed on any ballot and to define the term Natural Born Citizen.
    • If this fails, can u go to the democratic convention with legal papers and professional camera/film person to be involved in the eligibility of this man?



    • http://africanpress.me/2011/04/13/revealed-president-obama-is-a-luc...

    • I would think to addreess this at the Democratic Convention on three fronts. A democratic delegate challenge it, A democratic voter challenge it along with a GOP running for POTUS.

      I have been wondering if Orly Taitz is working for which side. The way she handels the cases seems to lean as informant to me. Georgia not certifying professional is ridiculous and I've talked to attorney's that said she should not have presented the case. It was won by them not showing up.

  • Thanks

  • Can anyone tell me how to save these before they are yanked.  If enough of us save these to our computers, the Zero minions cannot stop us from getting them out there in cyberspace.

  • The reason why Obama's lawyers are in a panic. I wrote earlier about the Tennessee court deciding not to dismiss my case but to decide the eligibility issue once and for all. Anyone who is truly interested in learning the truth about all the eligibility,cases and who are the people who were the ones to finally crack the nut that will expose Bsrrack Obama, be sure to contact me. In December of 2011 i met with Sheriff Arpaio to tell him about a new angle to expose the fraud in Washington. I filed cases against Wassaman, Pelosi, Reid and the DNC. I filed in Arizona, Tennessee and California. I have learned from my attorney Van Irions that the Federal Court in Tennessee will hear my case. Three other federal and State courts agree. My case is unique because i am the only Republican Candidate questioning the eligibility issue. I am open to answering any question from anyone who is interested in justice and learning the truth. I am on Facebook as well as the sites listed in an earlier post. The fight for the soul of this nation is on folks and i am the one who picked the fight with the right people over the correct issue.
    • John: Congratulations for busting the dam.  You sure must have weathered a ton of stress in this battle.  Thank you so much and GOD Bless You SIR.  

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