Correctly Framing the 2012 Elections


The Patriots News



Penned by Christopher G. Adamo - (12/29/11)

As the nation lurches into the 2012 election season, the propagandists of the liberal media have gone into high gear. Their singular job is to prevent the American people from correctly assessing the precarious condition of their country, what needs to be done about it and, most dangerously of all, who among the major Republican contenders could best assume the helm of the nation’s government in order to implement a proper course of action.

To date, the Republican presidential “debates” have done little more than denigrate the entire field of candidates. All too often, the only “debating” occurs between the targeted candidate of the week and a contentious, unabashedly biased, liberal “moderator.” Thus they have proven little better than a sorry mix of survivor styled “reality TV” and cheesy beauty pageants. Rarely have the candidates been allowed to openly hash out their stands on the issues of the day. Nor have they been allowed to sufficiently expound on the starkness of their political differences with Barack Obama.

In an objective and fact-based discussion of such topic matter, the dire condition of this country would take center stage, with the primary purpose being to determine the root cause for its disastrous downturn. The damage done since the advent of the Pelosi-Reid Congress and eventually abetted by the Obama White House, by which a formerly robust and secure America has been transformed into an economic basket case, increasingly subservient and vulnerable to frequently hostile foreign powers, simply does not play well on “Main Street.” Once the common citizen fully comprehends the straits into which the nation has been maneuvered, and who is ultimately responsible for the problems, every practitioner of “politics as usual” can expect to be shortly shown the door.

Barack Obama is once again demanding more than a trillion dollar increase in the nation’s “debt ceiling” which, if it can be arbitrarily raised, actually represents no ceiling at all. And once again, the enormity of that sum needs to be pondered in its ugly reality, lest the nation eventually grow completely indifferent to the catastrophe that such reckless expenditures represent. From its founding, the United States of America did not accrue its first trillion dollars of debt until 1982. Yet Obama, with no honest plan to address this hemorrhaging of the American people’s former industry and prosperity, will eagerly squander such a sum between now and the November elections, and then demand even more.

Perhaps more distressing is that, in the wake of Obama’s hideous expansion of the nanny state, the tendency of the “ruling class,” irrespective of political affiliation, is to preserve and maintain the new order. Far too many “Republicans” have willingly accepted the current status of the nation as being ripe for such a transition from freedom and self-reliance to state control and its inevitable finale of subservience and meager sustenance. Power, once wrested from the people, is not readily or willingly conceded back to them by any who find themselves at its epicenter.

Only by recognizing this truth can the abysmal behavior of the “Republican” Congress be understood. Since being handed a decisive majority status in the landslide 2010 elections, which were an adamant repudiation of the leftward shift of ’06 and ’08, it has become painfully clear that the ultimate goal of “Republican” House Speaker John Boehner and his inner circle is to avoid any appearance of aggressive opposition to the ravages of liberalism and socialism.

Somehow, despite former promises of fiscal responsibility and assertions of how toxic the current spending practices are, they continue unabated. These Beltway insiders have been duped into believing that Real America is either wholly ignorant of the degree to which the fundamental nature of this nation is being altered, or that they actually suppose it to be a good thing. It only seems to require a few “polls,” ostensibly reflecting a sudden new fondness for the nanny state, to convince the political class, that this is indeed the case.

In short, among those currently holding the reins of power on Capitol Hill, “draconian spending cuts” signifies their intention to delicately adjust the manner in which business as usual is painstakingly perpetuated. Neither the villainous Democrat controlled Senate nor the compliant Republican dominated House of Representatives have exhibited the will to actually implement the degree of change needed to prevent an eventual economic meltdown. That prospect is of minor importance, and can somehow wait for another day.

Consequently, as electoral contests heat up, “We the People” are once again required to rally behind candidates who can strengthen the standing of real conservatism and accountability within such thoroughly corrupted institutions. The only alternative is to accept the notion that Washington is beyond repair. However, such a concession affirms the inevitability of eventual national collapse on a catastrophic scale.

Clearly, those liberal statists in every branch of government who deliberately carried out the perversion of constitutional government should be identified, and their removal from office elevated to the highest priority. But close behind them must be the spineless pragmatists who were willing to allow the travesty to carry on. Those who have accepted the degeneration of the American ideal are every bit as guilty as anyone who actively pursued its dissolution.

Whether among the individual congressional districts, statewide Senate races, or the race for the White House, any inclination by an aspiring candidate to keep the nation on its present, disastrous course represents an immediately disqualifying condition. Such a crisis as presently threatens America cannot be allowed to continue unabated, regardless of the eloquent excuses and justifications offered for it. But the nation will fare not better if it is merely put into a holding pattern by a spineless “moderate,” drifting placidly until the next devout liberal takes the helm and resumes the demolition.

Christopher G. Adamo

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  • Very good article, I hope you don't mind if I steal it and post it in a couple of other spots. Thank you so much!

  • We need to go to the top of this page........PFA Action Center and start using the Candidate Oath/Pledge.....find candidates that will sign the pledge/oath.  At least we'll have someone that is willing to put their signature to a reasonable "trust" factor.

  • I second the motion.

    • I third.

  • Great article. Time to replace Boehner with someone who has a back bone and who can stand up to the liberals.

  • What about existing third parties??  Constitution party??  Do we need more or can we find one that fits our positions??

    • Do a web search on the name "Constitution Party and you'll be amazed. I did it when the name was mentioned on the Blaze. We sure don't want to go there!

      Pay close attention to the part which says,

      How many potential voters, after all, will punch their ballots for a party that calls for outlawing abortion even in cases of rape or incest, withdrawing from the United Nations, overturning every Constitutional amendment passed since 1913 (which would include the amendments authorizing the federal income tax and the right of women to vote), halting all immigration, abolishing the income tax and re-legalizing assault weapons?

      The founder of this party may have SOME good ideas, but they're mixed in with some really wild ones such as:

      Those planks only begin to tell the story. In its brief history, the Constitution Party has flirted egregiously with some of the most extreme elements of the antigovernment militia movement and of Christian Reconstruction, a radical theology that calls for imposing Old Testament laws — stoning to death adulterers and gay men and lesbians, to name just two.

      Among the party's current roster of local candidates is a Salt Lake City man, Jack Gray, who has no qualms about presenting himself as a member of David Duke's white supremacist hate group, the European American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO)

      The fact they're into nearly every state now means that just like CAIR they're doing a good job convincing others they are just like them.

      They seem to be a "little like Newt" throwing so many ideas up against a wall and hoping it's the good ones and not the smelly ones from the pasture which stick!

  • Look Folks,

    The idea of a third party is great and I agree.  Just tell me the specifics of how you intend to accomplish the mission.  I can tell you, it is too late to start now for the upcomming elections.  Unless you vet the candidates and establish who satisifies all your concerns, you are shoveling sand against the tide.  So------ if we intend to achieve these goals we need to start ASAP.  Number One, make a list of your goals (requirements for the candidate).  Second, and most important, make sure you have the backing of the majority of the country.  Then, if we have such a majority, give it all our best.  Also be prepared to contribute not only time and effort to such a campaign - but financially as well.   Trust me when I say, if you get such a majority, you will have no problem  collecting the necessary funding to put them in office.  There is another element to such an endeavor.  Aggressive action to eliminate any other candidates.  By eliminate, I mean Nuteralize them by expossing the truth about their positions on all issues which you hold so strongly.  It's not impossible, but it can be done.

    Just don't jepordise our chances to defeat O-bum-a this time arround.  If he retains office in 2012 because we are divided in  our efforts - YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU DESERVE.

    Respectfully Submitted:  Garrie Cortelyou, Hillsboro, Missouri


    • Spot on's too late for this election........but PFA has a Oath/Pledge page that outlines what we are's at the top of the page........

  • Well Sir:

    I hope you get some peace.  I too have been in a similar situation and have decided to get more involved.  But as far as getting out of your way?///  Remember, your not bullet proof.  Some of us also carry.  Don't be angery at us, we didn't cause your situation.  Nor did most of us (those you have been reading lately) cause the problems we fine ourselves in today.  Please, for your own sake and the sake of all of us you are critical of, channel that frustration in defeating those responsible for your troubles.  I'm not going to prey for you, because - if I survived my problems - you can also.  Good luck partner and fight the GOOD fight.  We're with you.

    Respectfully Submitted: GarrieCortelyou, Hillsboro, Missouri.  ps   stay strong

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