
  • I have always respected John Bolton.  A true Patriot.

  • I wonder, if OBUMMER is re-elected, how much Bolton's life is going to be worth?!

    Speaking only for myself, I just gained a HELL of a lot of respect for Mr. Bolton!!!!!

  • John Bolton sends a message that America should hear and take to heart.......only the most naive can miss the threat Obama is to America.

    Like Steven, I have always respected Ambassador Bolton.......

    • I hear you loud & clear,    60% of AMERICANS know what's going on...obama dislikes the U.S.A  WHAT  PART DON'T PEOPLE UNDERSTAND, michell don't like it either, bet the kids are being trained in ''HATE AMERICA''

      but all we do is sit and let it eveyone knowes you don't get help from the congress, & the senate are in bed with WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TO GET AMERICA BACK.


  • John Bolton"s comments on Obama's open mic comments to the Russian president, clearly point out that his preference is to help our enemy, rather that do what is best for America!!  Obama's scathing remarks to the US Supreme Court over his health care bill again illustrates he will not 'PROTECT AND DEFEND" the US Constitution!!!  His Attoney General, Eric Holder is taking all kinds of heat for POTUS over ATFs  Fast and Furious false flag operation to try and blame average American citizens for gun running to the Mexican drug cartels, inorder to destroy the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution!!  The entire administration need to be impeached or arrested forth with!!!  That is not going to happen since the Republican Majority in the House of Representatives lost their manhood some where along the way!!  It is now up to the voting public to rid America of this malignant cancer that is eating the very soul of America!!  Sadly nearly half of America is ignorant of the situation!!  

  • Thanks.

  • all I can say is if we allow obama to steal or win this election in Nov the battle ship, USS AMERICA is sunk !!!!

    • Sorry Jimmy, but the Patriots (Veterans) will take the lead, you just watch....the fireworks will be the best in 200 + years

  • Bolton is spot on -- and Romney hasn't the chance of an ice cube in hell of beating Obama's re-election team -- it's huge and it means to keep him in office another four years, during which time he will completely trash our Constitution (what's left of it) and take from us everything that makes America what we ever were meant to be. Franklin was right when he said they were giving us a Republic "if you can keep it."  Lincoln destroyed the Republic in favor of a Union, but the Bill of Rights was intact. Now we're losing that. Freedom of Speech -- gone. Freedom of religion -- gone. and so on. Now it is our Second Amendment ready to disappear before year's end. Romney would be weak -- why can't we have Bolton run for president? He doesn't lose his cool and really, he could possibly win against the tyrant. Maybe he would have Ron Paul as VP -- or Allen West. He wouldn't have a wimp, that's for sure.

  • And, if Obama does fraudulently win another term, does that mean that Bolton will surreptitiously become another Gwaltney? We had best hope America is smart enough at large to realize the threat so adamantly  and ably described by Ambassador John Bolton, and react in the necessary manner by assuring he is NOT relelected.

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